sexy talk : caroline
Sexy Talks is a series of interviews about modern-day sexiness.
This time we speak to Caroline Plummer from Copenhagen. She recently left her job as a project manager at a creative agency as she was ready to pursue a completely different career as a high school teacher, so now she teaches English. She's been a fashion- and lifestyle blogger for almost 10 years - the only break she had was when she worked on film productions as a costume designer. So it's no surprise that her ultimate soft spot is period films (but she does adore watching old Danish film too).
Caroline, what does sexy means to you?
For me sexy means being confident and in touch with yourself. It’s a feeling rather than a look. For me sexy can be everything from the perfect glass of wine to the right song to a pasta dish. It is a mood.
So you think of sexiness as something physical, mental or maybe both?
Definitely both. If you’re not there mentally you certainly will not get there physically, that’s for sure.
And has your idea of sexiness changed as you've gotten older?
Yes, absolutely! I used to think that sexiness was all about the looks. I remember the term as seeming sort of fluffy to me growing up. There would always be a headline about sexiness on the cover of a magazine or people would talk about “the sexiest man/woman of the year”, which can make the term seem kind of forced, square and “One fits all”. I actually find the mainstream media’s perception of sexiness extremely annoying, repelling and very un-sexy. Sexiness is so subjective and individual and I believe that it is much more about a mood than a look.
When do you feel sexy?
When I am on vacation or have time to relax. I need to unwind from everyday life with all the organising, busy schedules, bicycle rides in the rain etc in order to connect with myself and feel sexy. Unfortunately, this does not happen very often, since my mind is always running on full speed thinking about a thousand different things at a time.
Do you think there’s a connection between wellness and sexiness?
I definitely believe that there is a connection between wellness and sexiness. When your mind and body are in balance it gets much easier to connect with yourself (and your partner(s)). Like sexiness, wellness can be a lot of things, but a warm shower, nice products and good food definitely work wonders.
Do you have any tips on how into a sexy mood?
I believe that you should try and be in the present moment, let go of your worries and try to love yourself in order to feel sexy. Also, good lingeri or clothes that you feel comfortable and beautiful in won’t hurt either - as long as you make sure to dress for you. Take a long shower, use a face mask and treat your face and body with nice products. Then put on a bathing robe and have a cup of calming chamomile tea. This always helped me relax and when I relax I am more likely to feel sexy.
Do you have any sexy recommendations?
I have three!
1. Good lighting! A Rice paper lamp with a yellow warm light bulb or lights that can be dimmed work wonders.
2. The Malcolm and Marie movie on Netflix has such a sexy and beautiful Vibe around it (watch it on mute to avoid all the fighting)
3. The Big Little Lies soundtrack is perfection to get in a happy/romantic/nostalgic/sexy mood
Thank you Caroline, you're always such a wonderful inspiration. You can follow Caroline on Instagram @carolineplummer or visit her blog
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